Company Information

Company Profile

Company name
February 1981
Takahashi Katsuro
1-494-3, Higashibori-dori, Chuo-ku, Niigata City, Niigata
Number of employees
224 (as of April 1st, 2024)
JPY 65,000,000

Office Locations

Main office
1-494-3, Higashibori-dori, Chuo-ku, Niigata City, Niigata, JAPAN 951-8065
Telephone: +81-25-228-4888
Reception time – weekdays from 9:00~17:30
Koriyama branch office
Koken bldg. #205, 2-13-9, Hohacho, Koriyama-shi, Fukushima 963-8811, JAPAN
Telephone: +81-24-953-5105
Tokyo office
3F-D, 2-20-12, Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0053
Telephone: +81-3-3375-6848

Overseas trading business

Trading Business Division

Our main trading business consists of exporting processed foods, beverages, seasonings, as well as a wide variety of commercial products such as Niigata’s local sake to Russia, Mongolia, and Southeast Asian countries. Via our import business, we support domestic manufactures by procuring raw materials. We also support the overseas expansion of various companies by conducting market research, offering consultations, managing exhibitions and business meetings and even provide follow-up services. In our inbound business, we are building packages that allow foreign visitors to experience Niigata's unique culture and cuisine.

Carbon neutral Business Division

In preparation for carbon neutralization by 2050, there has been rapid promotion for Green Transformation (GX) and reform within the demand and supply energy value chain. To promote sustainable growth in our local communities, we are creating new businesses which focus on the training of human resources engaged in energy sectors such as hydrogen power, wind power generation, rechargeable batteries, biomass, etc.


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